Helping you choose the perfect plant-based milk

There are literally hundreds of different plant-based milks to choose from. With an ever increasing list of vegan milk companies coming to market and over 10 different types of vegan milk, never have we had so many options! However, this vast selection can make the choice more difficult for people to choose.

Plant Milc is here to help you in that decision, considering important factors such as price, taste, nutrition and environmental impact.


Oatly: $10 Billion IPO

Oatly Range

Fighting Over The Word ‘Milk’

Best Barista Oat Milks

Best Barista Oat Milks

Dive deeper into the various types of plant milk such as oat, almond or even avocado with our dedicated pages. Alternatively, explore the brands offering these plant-based alternative drinks and discover their motivations and aspirations for the future.


Milk Brands


Milk Types

Plant Milk – Here To Stay

Plant-based milks have been around for quite some time. Historical records dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries show almonds and soya beans being turned into milks and consumed by humans. Today, there are over 16 different types of plant milks, and sales have grown to over $2.5 billion annually in the US alone. This translates into representing a huge 35% of the total US plant-based food market!

We admit that the nutritional science surrounding dairy consumption is confusing. Is it a good source of calcium and protein to maintain bone and muscle health, or does it cause inflammation and acne from the high levels of saturated fats and hormones? Regardless of the conflicting science, we believe that there is plenty of room for all milk types, including plant-based alternatives. We think that consumers should be the ones to decide what to put into their bodies!

We started Plant Milc to raise awareness and bring attention to the hundreds of different plant-based milk products available to consumers. Whether it be from the popular almond, oat and soy milk, or the lesser-known avocado, macadamia and hemp milk.

Plant Milc is on a mission to shine a light on the plant-based milk industry, giving consumers the knowledge to decide which product is right for them. Whether it be from a taste or texture perspective, or nutritional and environmental factors, Plant Milc was created to help you make the best choice.

We look forward to helping you find your favourite!